Lessons for children 1-6 years old
Lessons for a 6-12 month old
See what your child can learn!
Founded in 1966, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), with it's Self-Rescue program is nationally recognized as the safest provider of survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. With over 50 years of research and development, highly trained certified Instructors committed to safety, and a proven history of success, parents can rest assured that their children are receiving the best possible instruction in the world today.
Infant Swimming Resource’s Self-Rescue® swimming program is scheduled 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, for 10 minutes each day for an average of 6 weeks.
With a focus on safe, customized, one-on-one lessons by certified Instructors, ISR’s survival swimming lessons emphasize health, ongoing program evaluations and parent education to deliver the most effective and safest results in the industry.
The ISR program is for children 6 months to 6 years of age.
Starfish Strokes
Starfish Stroke School is a 5 level program that develops lead-up skills within each stroke level that focus on balance and rotation, air exchange, timing, pulling, and kicking. There are also safety skill benchmarks incorporated into the curriculum that will continue to develop and strengthen good water safety habits.
Starfish Stroke School Levels
White- Freestyle
Red- Backstroke
Yellow- Butterfly
Blue- Breaststroke
Green- Endurance
Total Immersion
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Only a third of American adults can swim the length of a 25-yard pool.
And just two percent can swim a continuous quarter-mile.
Total Immersion instruction puts you at ease in the water, then teaches you to cleverly adapt human anatomy to swim more like an aquatic mammal.
Three Steps to Success
Total Immersion techniques of have been refined over 25 years with countless thousands of students—most of whom had little skill or experience.
We follow the same 3-step sequence of foundational skills with every student and every form of swimming. When you learn these skills you’ll be able to:
Swim farther and faster using less energy
Enjoy every stroke and improve continuously.
Swim free of injury or pain.
Step One:
The 3 C’s--Comfort, Control, and Confidence. Every TI student begins by learning Balance and Core Stability. These foundational skills replace that sinking sensation with a comforting sense of being ‘weightless’ in the water.
Step Two:
Take the Path of Least Resistance. Because water is 1000 times denser than air, water resistance (drag) is the largest factor limiting how far or fast we swim. Fish and aquatic mammals are naturally streamlined. For human swimmers it’s a learned skill.
Step Three:
Move From Your Core. In traditional technique, the arms and legs do the lion’s share of the work, while the core body is passive baggage. We invert that dynamic initiating all movement, power, and rhythm in the core—the most naturally powerful and fatigue-resistant part of the body.
American Red Cross
First Aid, CPR, AED
Red Cross classes in first aid, CPR, & AED cover a variety of topics including adult CPR & AED, pediatric CPR & AED, infant CPR, choking, sudden illness, life-threatening bleeding, injuries, environmental emergencies. American Red Cross classes are available upon request.